My name is Lauren.
this is where i put my life stories into the web for you guys to read. =)
I'm 19 years of age. and i'm born in Janurary
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Here we are into the minutes where I'll be officially be no relations with being a Student in Ngee Ann Poly.
It's Graduation Tomorrow! So yup. Cheerios to that! Guess what. Only mum's coming with me Dad's not. I don't know why but i just feel kind of sad when he can't make it though i know he has work which over rights everything else. You know if you can't make it for the Ceremony it's fine but you think that we shall not have a dinner at night cause we can't afford is just too absurd! Sigh~
Have i mentioned not that recently has not been the same for me from now and till i don't know when. Now i'd just really not wanna use the word "Promise" in what i've agreed to. I'll just try my best to be the part i've agreed to be. It's Goodbye to the past and Hello to the new start.Labels: Stepping Up
11:43 PM
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
SO It's the mid day of the week. Today i'm going to SIA Sports Club with Sean Chi and Mark Keong. Gonna do some gym and hopefully have the energy to swim after that.
Last night kinda slept at 4 am this morning cause of the stupid iTouch. Then i woke up at 6 Hours later. Now i'm still feeling neither here nor there. TSK TSK!
Yehh. So Till next time.
Jason is me.
10:46 AM
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Hello. Wet and clamy Sunday Evening.
As another has arrived. I'm just left with say 20 days more before i'm officially going to be serving the nation. So the last weekends were spent with the funniest bunch of friends that i've made. Had dinner at Blu Jazz on Friday. Saturday woke up to celebrate Mark's BELATED birthday and then dinner followed by L4D2 session.
Had acohol with Sean and Bernice by the beach that evening. Talked about nonsense and it was the second time that three of us were hanging out together. Feel so great.
Just got lazier. Woke up in the mid afterNoon and then went to Parkway to get stuffs. Labels: SUN-lazy day
10:35 PM
Thursday, May 13, 2010
De·spair –noun1.loss of hope; hopelessness. 2.someone or something that causes hopelessness: He is the despair of his mother. –verb (used without object)3.to lose, give up, or be without hope (often fol. by of): to despair of humanity. –verb (used with object)4.Obsolete. to give up hope of.
All the people in Facebook now knows you're attached. Congratulations. I'm just left here. Speechless. Hopes-less. Lost. It's just this long feeling that hasn't been felt by me for a long while. Anyway it doesn't matter it's a fact now that you're someone else's.
You know that's why people are turning gay. Not saying that i am. But i'm just so afraid to be on a female relationship "once more" it's making it sound "no more"
I'd just like to hope that tomorrow will be a better day then what has happened today. For it just painted my night as dark as black can be.
I'm sorry. But i think i'm loosing it. I don't want anymore of this anymore.Labels: De·spair
12:03 AM
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

SO yesterday was yesterday and today Doing housework in a while's time. I'mma go swimming later. Then tomorrow's going to Jurong Point to work for dad. Oh today's Thesally's Birthday. (For Real) SO it's just me. Jason.
Labels: SO
1:18 PM
Monday, May 10, 2010

Like so how a Monday would be. Collection of Graduation Gown in school while the skies are pouring like there's no tomorrow.
Gym. I'd say it's an accomplishment. I ran 2.4 km! But i guess i'd have to be running faster than today's speed.
You know how much i HATE working for my dad? I've gotta work for him this Thursday again. What is his problem seriously! And you know it's going to be in JURONG POINT! Sigh. To make things worst it's a 12 hours shift! -.- Tell me how am i going to survive ( though it's not as if i've not survived it before ) TSK TSK TSK!!
Like how much i'd wished for a girlfriend to drop from the sky as if she's custom made just for me, I'd want to be just enjoying my days before my enlistment. Why isn't it happening? Why are all my close friends either attached( busy with their love life) or busy in work (which is always an excuse of not meeting with me).
Not that I love ranting. But sometimes you just need to let out those steam that has been stuck in your head for some time.Labels: Rants
11:36 PM
Thursday, May 6, 2010

 Just some quotes that i came across when i was reading JUICE issue for May.
On the side note : Iron Man 2 is a Great Show! =)
Jason Signing off. Labels: Statements
12:30 AM
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Went swimming today again.
Havin' a fucked up session now.
This is my post after such a long time.
Nothing that they have done for me seems memorable anymore.
It's so ridiculous to even be the first to volunteer to plan Birthday parties!
Now come to think about it what was i thinking?
To even suggest and come up with the food list.
Who am i to them?
Just a Jason here. Signing off.
10:25 PM