My name is Lauren.
this is where i put my life stories into the web for you guys to read. =)
I'm 19 years of age. and i'm born in Janurary
Saturday, February 27, 2010

When you look back at the three years of your life as a poly student. What do you miss most? I'd say Friends, Friends and Friends. I think experencing this part of my life alone is never going to be as how i am today? Friends from Nursing, Ambassadors and even students that you've called and made friends from attachments have really shaped this part of me now. Nevertheless i'm more than Happy and Glad and Elated that School has finally end for us! YIIPE!! Congratuations! Though there are two sad things that dawn upon me today. But i guess it's nothing compared to the Vast future that's Right Smacked Ahead of me. - NAPFA
- NS (BMT)
- NS
- Unknown future.
One of the sad things was that i had a "B" for my this attachment. I was definately taken aback by the grade that was presented to me. But what can i say? I deserve what i've attain so i have no complains. Who asks me to be late and not be responsible as what i should have been. The grades speaks for itself. Next was Laura, Yes she has left for Melbourne once again. I just don't know how to describe this sour feeling rekindle again. Maybe cause i feel that now my attachment have ended i'd have more free time.But then she's gone to studies so i'll have one more less person that i can turn to. She left me with a photo and sentences of words. "someday you'll grow into the best person you can be" I am anticipating for that day. =)
Isn't it time to drop me a girl from the skies already ?Labels: Sad things in pairs
12:04 AM
Thursday, February 18, 2010
It's been one of this nights that i just feel like i need to pour out all of this that's been in me. The feeling of not being right, nauses, just not in the right place.
Why don't any girl just come up to me and say " Hey can we hang out? Someday maybe? " I am just wondering where have all the BOLD girls disappeared to? First i thought recently i've found V. Then came another K. V is fading from me slowly seeping back into the sea, whereas K never seemed to get emough of me. At first it felt real gud having you around me. Now the feeling's just fading. Idk. Am i really turning back to the road i'm supposed to lead? Cause i'm just so direction-less. No one to love, spend me time with, be with, held in arms with, be with. I'm just huggin my bloster everynight hoping that one day it'll be you. You who never yet to appear in front of me. You who've been hiding from me since Secondary 4. You whom i've yet to show how much i can pour my love at. You You You. I Miss You. I'm afraid that one day You arrive. I don't know how to love you or not interested in You anymore. Labels: You-s
11:51 PM
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Lunar New Year's Eve-Aunt's Birthday
As we all should know that tomorrow's the First Day of Lunar New Year and also the day where Couples will be more intense of Lovey Dovey because it's Valentines' Day. Well i shall not count it's the how many years that i've spent my Valentines' Day being single. So yes. Cupid Angle has been kinda mean to me or maybe he or she is still finding the perfect one for me. Either ways i'm kinda tired of always trying,giving and being nice. Why can't that person dropped in front of me. and then relieve me of every jealousy that i have when i see couples on the street. Sigh. Then again i'm pretty much happy with my singlehood. Coz at least it's carefree and care-less not be mindful of spending my money. Freedom most of all.
I've not bought my new pair of pants and shoes!
Don't wanna wear the old ones.
I've not bought aunt her present as well.! Gawd ! All thanks to me waking up at 7 am and forgoing my AM shift. Sigh! Damn It!
If only.
The thing is i can jolly well go alone to do these things but i'm just feeling uncomfortable doing shopping alone? and coz i know i'll spend alot. Labels: CNYE
1:46 PM
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
I'm Resuming Trying to talk to you..Starting from scratch.
Read this lyrics from "Oopsy Daisy"
"Me and my heart got crazy issues"
Then i realised it applies to me much. It's just so confusing sometimes that i don't know what i'd want? Or when i've gotten what i want i might not want it but then i'll crave for it when i don't have. What an Irony!
With Attachment. Every plans are just being screwed up. Sigh. Talking about getting dates and being together with someone. It's just so impossible!
Watched Tooth Fairy just now. Not as bad as what Liyana told me. Had a few loud laughs though. Overall: Nice.Labels: Tuesdays-Wednesday.
12:14 AM
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Saturday. You don't know what's been planned up for you! Anticipate and Be Surprised! =)
I hope you'll love it coz we planned it!
2:02 PM
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Shall not give up! Ok?
12:12 AM
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
I just woke up from my sleep since 1600 hours this evening. Now the soft palate of my mouth is hurting like mad. Guess i'm going to fall sick. It just gives me a really bad feeling behind the pain at the palate area. Chills at my finger tips and all over my body. SHIT! I don't wanna take any Medical Cert not until i end my last month of Attachment.
Thursday it's retake of NAPFA. I've yet to even try to runa 2.4 for real or practice my Pull-ups. Sigh. So much things are happening at once. I don't seemed to be keeping up with time man.
I'm Tired. Tired of trying even though i know I'm not supposed to stop at anytime now but i suddenly feels that everything's not working out.
It's not only about NAPFA and attachment. But also this girl. I've given thought about it recently and asked myself why am i even falling for her. Espicially last night when i came to know about some of the Gib Tounge friends of mine in attachment has to mentioned my name. Why can't you GIRLS keep your mouth shut when it comes to such things ! Gawd !! to think that i dare to trusts you girls with such stuffs. =( Now i'm even embaressed to even start a conversation with her or even face her in the future. Sigh.
"Half way around the world lies the one thing that you want Buried in the ground, hundreds of miles down"Labels: Syndicate
10:19 PM