My name is Lauren.
this is where i put my life stories into the web for you guys to read. =)
I'm 19 years of age. and i'm born in Janurary
Monday, April 27, 2009
 Hey guys. It's been a Monday today . Thou the picture shows how great it is. Today isn't portrait as such. With the blues affecting not only me but Nages as well. I hope it'll pass real soon so the Better Tuesday will be here soon.
Dinner was great! Nonetheless. Then ended with a sad note. Probably because the blues kicked their way into me somehow. Sorry for the drastic change of mood.
3 Words, 3 Syllubus, 8 letters.Labels: YouFoundMe
11:02 PM
Saturday, April 25, 2009
 Hey There Guys~!!
I know it's been really Centuries that i've updated this website where i pour almost evything in.. =D Though i couldn't access any internet from the place we stayed in over at Brisbane. But i had them typed in MS Word so yupp.. But it seems that i can't copy them over here. DAMNIT !! Oh well just make do with these first then guys sorry about.
Alright for this week's post: It's been a week of year 3 for me. Ever since the holidays have aruptly ended i've since become another person unknowingly. I don't if there's anyone who've noticed or not. And i don't really believe that i'm the only one who has changed. One very gud example would be that i actually stayed awake for all the classes that i had this week and i didn't even feel tired or sleepy at all! That's really such a great improvement and achievement. Then i realised that probably it's the first week of school that's why. =D HurHurHur!
Anyway. I don't think i've changed as i have mentioned in two paragraph before this that. Another person or rather people have changed are my frens and even my closes fren whom i've been missing ever since school has ended for year 2 and since holidays started and since i've not been in singapore. Yes it's you Sandra. You've changed. Changed into someone whom i think i've not known you but in fact i've know you since the Secondary life of mine has started. I don't know if it's you or not but you've really changed. Changed into a person whom i don't know, changed into someone whom i've not known for. Maybe it's because we've all grown up and it's time and a point of time when we have to have our own group of friends and cliques.
They say that when you have gone to overseas you'll tend to be able to be more independent. Should i agree to it "yes i do" but to a certain extent. I've also learn how to cope without frens and when people really throw you to die i'll probably still survive.
Emotionally now i've finally becoming better. Maybe cause of the trip or maybe it's cause i really needed a time-out from this really familiar place i'm in(Singapore). or maybe it's maybe.
Gonna end my this week's plus last few week's post here. with a note to end with : " Found "
Labels: Found
11:20 PM