My name is Lauren.
this is where i put my life stories into the web for you guys to read. =)
I'm 19 years of age. and i'm born in Janurary
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Okayy people i have not been bloggin for ages and i think the next Ice Age is coming. i can see ice forming..So yup as usual i'll let the photos do the talking..

 Then the next time i had time to go out was after my CT and went out with Sheryl and Nages!! Then got myself two polos from Topman.. =D

 Of course when such a major event had ended we definately need a dinner to relax-chill-and get together right ?? so this is the dinner which the Skit ppl had together with the emcees..

As fast as day two came it ended abruptly.. Day 3 of RED CAMP 5 !!!
Then these are the five mascots of the tribes that were in RedCamp5 ^ Jasmine-Three Horns, Fauzi-Big Harry Bear, Sarah-Medusa, Benedict-Blueberry Cheesecake, Sean-Hironakamumu Then we have Hop Night..Where everyone in RedCamp gets to experience what's like to be in a club..And yeaps some pics of New-Found-Frens.. ^^, Not to forget Nikk and Kimberly the OIC of the whole RedCamp5 =D *applause*

 Day 2 of RED CAMP 5 !!
Yeap thou my group was switched and i was not with my usual Group 4 pips but this group was great too !! They were really awesome too !!

 Then RED CAMP 5 started !! ^ above are just some pics taken one with Alex the Surgen in HS's O.T. then we hav me group people from different schools.. Aneza, MY Dan and Chew posing at one of the place in ICT..Then yeap Pics of the skit team haha..

 Then these are the pics taken after that MASS briefing with the SLs..Can see here MY Dan and i in the pics..Then the NERDY Marcus in the pic too..HAHA..O O O not to forget My Bee Hoon sister and Hironakamama as inside too !! HAHA they look real dead due to my flash from my phone in the darkness..

Then we hav the last mass briefing session being made and there we hav the three emcees Rox,Bernice and Matthew.. =D

Then came ther weekly CRAZY practices of skit due to the nearing date..These are juz really SOME of the pics that i managed to take with my camera..And You guys know how much i miss-love those nights we spent together.. =((

Then after that Sarah Peh, MY Dan and I went to Dempsy's Ben&Jerry's then we chill-out there till they were closed..FYI we went there only around 9 plus 10 when we only get to hear the live band play and sing a few songs then "Bye-bye" but it was a great evening we had!! Thankz Sarah Peh for that night !! We'll head there next time!!

 Then came that evening where i think i i was helping the people in RC skit team doing their props..Well coz they're in the props team..HAHA there are the photos.. ^
So i took part in NP's Poly-olympics..Representing school's team and we're called HS-Elite and we played Netball..There are a few of us but then i'll try and name all..Well there's Hazel ,Fazilleah,Hamizah or Hazimah,this guy, Alice and a few more sorry if i've missed you guys out..it's been quite a while now so sorry !!Labels: Ice Age Part I
12:17 AM