My name is Lauren.
this is where i put my life stories into the web for you guys to read. =)
I'm 19 years of age. and i'm born in Janurary
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Attachment has started !!! Two weeks in Peads Ward.. 23rd June - 4th July
Well one week has passed after being attached to KKH and i'm in ward 55..If you're wondering how am i surviving coz the ward is full of kids ranging from 0-16 years of age..I'm telling ya..I'm doing fine..and i realised kids are juz so super innocence i dare not say they're not cute but they are irritating as well !!! Uggh !! First week only and so much thing has happened..Major staining of uniform,bathing of an infant etc..
The second day after attachment had to go down to school for presentation for ambass..After my presentation i went to help out Sam to do the pasting for Mobber's poster thus we took a photo as evidence.. =)  Took some photos with Scandal also.. Oops while we were doing some scandalious actions too..=P
Then on the third day after attachment had to go down to Ngee Ann City for Mobbing..and here are some of the pics..

 Finally Friday arrived we were excused for a talk in the afternoon by Sabrina(an Adv Dip Student). Nevertheless we took some photos coz it was her last day with us..

 Then it was SMILING SATURDAY !!
Went back to school for PX's skit meeting with Fedora,Kreshelle,Edmund and Kahlisah..

Then in the evening went for Eugenie's Adv Birthday Party in ECP..didn't really took any photo in the chalet area but took photos with the group of ppl whom i wanted to go back with..Jerm,Fedora and Gurlfren..

 Been so so busy last week..This week's pretty relaxed too but not when Thurs, Fri, Sat and Sun arrives or draw nears..
Lastly.. I Miss School Terribly !!Labels: Attachment Week 1
2:37 PM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Lovely Sandra and Me..

Presenting the skit members..We were dicussing about the script the other day in National Library and then after like 2 hours then we get to have our food at MOF(Ministry Of Food)..

Just look at the following pictures and you'll know how much we love that place..The food and place are really good and nice to dine in..=)

Okayy..about this picture..we got this choc brand called Fesdora and gave it to Sharon bcoz she paid for our bill at MOF..so we got her this rang of choc for her to thank her instead..

The night before my camp i had dinner at Jack's Place and this is what i had..

The morning before i went for my ambass camp..I went to had prata with Pei Jing, Yong Zhen, Yanni, Atiqah and last but not least Monkey( who was late for an hour long !!!)..Love you guys man..we must go out soon..maybe this Saturday ??

The next series of photos are taken by Marcus and me.. It's from Training and Bonding Camp '08 .. =D

Pictures taken before the Glamorous night: Oscar Night.. Noticed how Pretty and Handsome we dressed ?? YaY !!!



The next day went to hav brunch with Sharon, Sandra and Xiu Yan..We went to T2's Fish & Co.

Oooo..some snacks from Hokkiado..It's from Sharon(ex-secondary teacher)

Went to NYDC for tea-time yesterday and i had the Solid Gold thingy..The other one is like some sorta mudpie..

When to try out spectacles yesterday.. and i've decided on the first one juzt below this caption..

This is the second spectacles that i've tried..

This was the sunglass that i've tried..Looks cool right ?? it's 250 bucks la can.. haha
 Labels: Pictures..pictures..pictures..
5:20 PM