My name is Lauren.
this is where i put my life stories into the web for you guys to read. =)
I'm 19 years of age. and i'm born in Janurary
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Hey..today's Thursday well it's the second last day of the week and it's the last day of January of the year 2008.. So many things happened juz in this one whole month..exams,tests,stress,making the whole class angry in the whole week,been doing projects,gone out wit people and most basically go to school everyday..=)
Don't know why but juz this month alone..lotz of ppl ard me are emoing..W-H-Y ?? i mean isn't the first month of the year u are suppose to be happie and excited and all ?? instead why is everyone feel so down and sad and all ?!
Anyway i''ll be in year two soon..something which everyone wished to and some realli hope not to happen coz of the stress and responsibility that year twos are suppose to have..thus mani of my classmates have been thinking of how much we'll miss each other's company, how we'll miss each other's craziness or crappiness..oh well i guess somethings hav to come to a full-stop but it's not as if we'll not see each other in school right ?? So hey guys Cheer up k ?? =) Lots of Love..
Now for some people..for Person 1 ) being frens with you for so many years sometimes i juz feel so tired and the best thing is we know each other inside out and people ard us do agree abt it as well..some even wants or wished us to be tgt..but the thing is i don't ..but the thing is we know each other too too well so it's not fun at all..heh i mean imagine u wanna kiss then the other person will be like " U wanna kiss me ar ??" then of coz u'll stoned there feeling embarassed..and don't knw what to proceed on..haha and for some unknown reason this person was pissed of with me yest but the thing is YES u can be angry BUT at least tell me what are you angry with me ma like DUH !!!
Person 2)From the virtual world that we chatted till the days and the places that we went to the things that we've done(having meals,shopping),the movies that we've seen and the times when i nagged at u..it has always been the happiest moment when i was with you..=) oh well i now do realized agn that fairy tales don't exist and dreams are onli real when u are slping..haha..maybe like what u've said i'm juz too caring and naggy..and what i can say now is thanks for still goin out wit me..
Well anyway this is the update of me,Jason and what has happened to me in this whole month.. and to those that i've made angry..i'm realli realli down to the bottom of my heart sorry for what i've said and done to you..
Jason signing off
Oh well sorry abtLabels: Jason and his words..
12:23 PM
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
The photos of Jason and his cam whore pictures..

1:38 PM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Well for the past few days..I have been having my pre-exam tests for this whole week and well having been sleeping late as a result..so i don't really hav time to update my blog thus it's so lag..Tomorrow's the last paper !! YEAH!! Hmm..hope it'll be easy..
Also i juz wanna wish all the O levels student
SIGH..Anyway hope that next week will be better
9:40 PM
Sunday, January 20, 2008
HEy guys..last week was a really busy week for me coz there was Open House for me do,tests for me to take projects for me to be done and also school to attend..haha well i'm still sorta not myself last week thou that's what Sharon been saying,my Ambass leaders hav been noticing..Hmm..well i guess i'm juz too tire out by the programs that has been happening you know being tired,sleepy and all drained out..well the result of it all..Sore throat and having blocked nose during the weekend that i must nurse..well this week i'll be having a Pre-Exam test week ahead coz some idoit cheated in the last Common Test and was being caught by the lecturer. i mean if u wanna copy frm your fren besdie you don;t copy word for word and even made the same spelling mistakes as he person u copied !!! totally dumb like anything !!you know what i mean like TOTALLY~ STUPID !!! Oh well..shall not cry over spilt milk i guess..haiz now u see bcoz of thie two idoits..not onli me but also everyone in Health Science hav to study the CT topics agn and take a 10% paper which is juz MCQ plus if u think that's all NO!! we hav to stay back after school from 6 to do these four modules paper..SIGH !!! Anyway i juz wanna say sorry to those that i hav unable to go and meet up with you all after my school coz i was realli realli busy last whole week and thou i knw u guys are F* angry but i'm realli sorry..i'll try and return the favor to u all..
Anyway.. here are the pics that were taken last two weeks ago ?? Yea.. One after bedding pics of my frens, a few pics taken at Adeline's 21st birthday and also one day where i went out with Sista..

4:24 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Oh well we're in the 13th Day of 2008 ?!
and know what i shall type out my '08 resolution someone's guidance version
- Be smarter(streetwise)
- Be straighter
- Gain weight
- Study harder
- Be richer
- Have a better sense of fashion
- Be more stylish
- Be less high class
- Actually hav a proper life
- Go clubbing this year
- Be less sarcastic
- Be less high profile
- Be drunk
Well my version of '08 resolution are:
- Be uglier
- Spent lesser
- Buck up on my grades
- Be able to go to pub and club
- Be less despo
- Have great Christmas presents
- Be more muscular and have lesser pimples
- Know more frens =)
- Have more than one sleepless nights
- Try not to sleep in lectures
- Allow people to buy more presents
- Try to cut down on wasting time
- Have a better organization of my time
- Be less demanding
- Be less slimmer
- Be less himbotic
- Be more serious
Well it's been a really free week for me but was being busy as well coz i had to do so many things in such a short time..well for example take friday for an example..after the tiring day in school on friday i went to meet my sister to had lunch with her and her fren..(earned myself a fox sweater thou)then went back to hav a nap and then i had to get a belated present for Sharon and get nice paper bags for Adeline's presents before heading down to Pasir Ris's Costa Sans chalet and celebrated Adeline's 20th Birthday..
Well this week i'll be sitting for two written tests and an online quiz to be done..so i guess i hav to mug for the tests..
1:18 AM