My name is Lauren.
this is where i put my life stories into the web for you guys to read. =)
I'm 19 years of age. and i'm born in Janurary
Sunday, October 28, 2007

12:01 AM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
It's photo time !!!
It's us in NSL lab agn..haha

Today went to have a phto shoot for next yr's OH '08 so here are some of the peaks of the pics though we all hav no idea how it'll turn out though..haha

This is my new slippers that i've bought..NICE RITE ??

Can you see the Tuky Tuky ?? haha they gave me one free stud

and i bought one stud for $10 bucks and got one more for free..hehe

i'm using this curreently..and it smells realli nice HAHA

Halloween is coming up..so took a pic from my little pumkin bucket..haha

Been to TCC lately and i had this : Caramel Pecan Latte?? i guess

It's a new flavour that i've tried this week..

It's watermelon you know like WTH !!! and i juz realised it LA..thanks to Qai.. =)

It's us in the middle of the road during SL bonding camp..Hui Mei, Jiv, ME, Sha, Cheryl Hoon, Grace & Aniszah !!!
8:57 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Lastly before the first hours of munday comes in this is one photo taken juz this friday..haha..it's me and Jenny.. =P
12:24 AM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
well back into blogging agn..well today's Saturday was a slacky one..well prob coz islept late last night i guess..anyway it passed pretty fast so typical Saturady of mine..haha anyway i've uploaded some pics that were in my photo for like a period of time alrdy so decided to load 'em all up..

11:57 PM
Friday, October 19, 2007
Hey hey hey..
Haha..haven been typing in this page for long already huh..hahaanyway ppl says that this blog is geting boring..what do y'all say ?? Is it realli so dry ?? haha well i doubt so..but anyway have been busy since school started on monday and now these two new moudles(Sports&wellness,Singapore and World Issues) are up in my this sem..i can forsee that my life will be sooo peaceful..HAHA..anyway today was the first day to the S&W module and guess what..i'm in Dancesport !! haha..so cool rite ?? get to learn all kinds of dance ranging from Salsa,Cha Cha,Waltz,Ballroom etc etc. and y'all knw what ..it's a stupid moudle la you see they allow students to get there eearly to choose the seats where the sprts are then when students like me and my class who goes there on time don't know where all the places of the sports la..(know why i'm complaining ?? coz i can't get into my Tennis !!) this is such a stupid system you know what i mean..it's seriously unfair and dumb coz........it juz doesn't reflect well on this moudle that's all..besides it's so dumb when stuations get out of hands for example today's they can't even control those few students la..dumbos..
Oh Well..let's not talk abt that..hmm yest i did ambass duty !!! like O-M-G jason has finally signed up an ambass duty !! haha..well it was like so dran simple la..juz hav to cal those sec4 pips up and update one their information and then say "Thanks you for your time,ByeBye" can alrdy..haha..so simple..hmm..maybe i'll try to be a telemarketer as my partime if i hav a chance that is..haha..so fun..don't have to stand at all..haha
and to end this post of the day..today was a rather fine Friday..and i end it off quite well before i reached home..haha realli like those moments..haha..was fun la to be honest..hahajuz wanna have this kind of afternoon agn and soon..haha !! anyway i'm like so hyper,happie,toppyoushimonai,kure-ji-,einen Narren an jemandem gefressen haben/in jemanden verschossen sein,미치다. guess i'll be putting up photos soon..Oh yes one day must take a photo of my new Havans slippers..haha..
11:23 PM
Monday, October 8, 2007

Technical Details
* Touch control sensors * Stylish Design * 2Gb Flash Memory * 1.0 inch display with Mono 4line detail * Display resoultion 128 x 64 * Lithium Polymer battery with up to 15 hours playback time * MP3 , WMA , ASF , OGG file compatible * 12 Preset EQ modes * DNSe special sound effects * FM Tuner built in * Voice recording function in MP3 format * PC playlist , Library and File Navigation * Multi language menu and tag display * WMA DRM plus Janus compatability * Windows XP / Vista compatible * Earphone with reel clip and matching colour detail * Installation CD * Product dimensions H11mm W26mm D80mm Weight 23gms. Packaged dimensions H32mm W86mm D110mm Weight 130gms.
Nice huh ?? this Mp3 haha though it's not an iPod or a creative new model but it's slim,nice,stylish,cool,light and most importantly i own it !! haha i have exactly the same colour as i;ve posted on top..haha and in case y'all wanna know where i got it..i bought it at Central shopping centre for only $99.00 and yes you are not being bluffed it's realli $99.00 plus they also give you a Sillicon protector and also a $10.00 voucher..and you wanna know which store i got it ?? it's at Harvey Norman..HAHA..=)
2:38 PM