My name is Lauren.
this is where i put my life stories into the web for you guys to read. =)
I'm 19 years of age. and i'm born in Janurary
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Me and Jennifer..(jennifer says i forced her to take photo with me..but then see she's smiling..)

The "gig" and me..haha actually this is the first picture that i have with her and she says she looks like a gig coz she's on specs..

Me and The Jennifer..haha

Me and Alice !! Woo-hoo..finally got a pic of her and me..

My name..with my ugly handwriting..

Me and the cosplay girl..haha

My "darling" and me..

My "wife" and me..

Liyana and me..

SHAron and me..

The 15 dollars duck race duck

The duck can fly !! part 1

The duck can fly !! part 2

Sharon's proud picture

All emoing...
9:11 PM
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Have you seen a nurse and a patient so CRAZY before ?? hmm...

Me and my new born..it's a girl..her name is Beyon-Jessica Tan

Family photo in ICU and sharon's newborn Ps. the baby looks identical like my Jessica

Caught in action !! lecturer killing student..

Me in the triangle bandage..
12:12 PM
Tuesday, July 24, 2007

 Some Random Pictures That I've Taken ..

9:34 PM
Sharon and me in lecture ..haha

Sharon,Me and Eqa.. :)

Qai,Me and Eqa

Eqa and Me in NSL prac yest we were learning bandaging.. and i was the patient..* Noticed the two hands being bandaged ?

Me and my Li Li..haha i mean my girl fren Liyana both don't know why looked so happie though being bandaged.. :S
9:22 PM
These are the few more pics of the NDP i took the other time.. i knw it's very late but i'm juz clearing the memory space in my phone k ..

8:54 PM
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Hahaha..Me posing again trying to recall what was celebrated last saturday..rmb ? Live Earth Day..haha (: We must Recycle,Reuse and Reduce to save the Earth from Global Warming !!

Can u see the TV screens ?? they are taken at the seats of the VVIP there..Whao..cool rite?? now y'all know that rich ppl lead a good life right?? (: haha

Can you see the Auqa flora watch that he's wearing.. SO GAY !!! and i managed to snap it while he's blabbering..HAHA..btw he's our in-charge hee..and he prob took his daughter or wife's watch to wear..haha..

This is a pic of my buddy emoing.. haha :D
3:24 PM
FINALLY some pictures taken realli recently..haha..these were taken yest after our duty after the NDP show haha..also some more coming up didn't put up here coz i need to have em caption up..haha.. (:

2:34 PM